Achtung !! Achtung !!
Springfield Pinball 7th Annual Tournament at 1984 Arcade.
400 S. Jefferson St., in Springfield, Missouri
Saturday, September 22nd, 2018.
1984 Arcade is not normally open before 4PM, just for pinball tournament participants. Also, due to insurance purposes, there is no alcohol there, so please, no brown bagging it.
Format: Four Strike Group knockout
– 3/4 player groups
– Bottom 2 players get a strike per match. in a 3 player group, bottom 1 gets a strike
– Random initial seeding
– Balanced arena draws
– All ties played on Bally’s Eight Ball.
– This is a IFPA sanctioned event with WPPRS awarded to all participants.
– Doors open/Registration at 10AM. Would like to start promptly at 11AM.
– $5.00 entry fee. Yes, coin drop.
– Trophy for winner.
– Tournament will be about 4 hours.
– I will have a table set-up w hotdogs, and potato salad. so after the 3rd or 4th round, we’ll take a break and have lunch.
– 1984 already has drinks- water/tea/soda/coffee $2.00 and snacks- chips/ candy/ cookies $1.00, If you would like to bring a dish or deserts, you’re more than welcome to.
– All games are generally set on regular default settings. except extra balls will be turned off and awarded points, and/ or Springfield rules, one flip.
DE Star Wars, Mousin Around !, Taxi, High Speed, Funhouse, Alien Poker, Jungle Lord, Road Kings, Sorcerer, Stern Kiss, Medieval Madness, Black Pyramid, Ghostbusters LE.
Thank You All !! And remember we’re here to have fun, enjoy life and Play Pinball !!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Springfield Pinball Monthly Tournament May 2018
Springfield Pinball Monthly 1984 Arcade – 400 S. Jefferson – Springfield, MO. Thursday, May 31st, 2018
depending on participants, This will be either a four strike- single game group match up, Participants play in groups of 4, play one game, bottom 2 get a strike. in the event of a 3 player group, bottom 1 gets a strike. random selected opponents, on random selected machines. Using matchplay dot event software. $1 entry fee, plus coin-drop. practice/ registration 530-6. start at 610pm.
DE Star Wars, Swords Of Fury, Taxi, High Speed, Funhouse, Alien Poker, Meteor, Jungle Lord, Sorcerer, Eight Ball, Stern Kiss, Medieval Madness, Black. Pyramid, Ghostbusters.
1st – Dayvv brooks, 2nd – jason Durham, 3rd Joe milne, 4th Will Hoffman, 5th Eugene Marsh
RetroZone Marshfield Missouri Annual Pinball Tournament 2018
The RetroZone of Marshfield Missouri Annual Pinball Tournament
Saturday, March 31st. 202 S. Crittenden St. – Marshfield, Missouri. doors at 11AM, starts at Noon.
Herb Style format, participants play 4 machines, 3 times each for scores/ points. at the end, 1/2 of participants with the most points move into final head-to-head bracket papa type playoff’s/ finals. ifpapinball sanctioned. $2 entry fee, plus coin drop.
Williams – Roadshow, Whirlwind, Mousin’ Around !, Blackout
Winners– John Dozier, 2nd – Eugene Marsh, 3rd – JR Reel, 4th – Josh Noble
Springfield Missouri Monthly Pinball Tournament March 2018
Springfield Pinball Monthly 1984 Arcade – 400 S. Jefferson – Springfield, MO. Thursday, April 12th, 2018
depending on participants, This will be either a four strike- single game match up. with random selected opponents, on random selected machines. Or a triple strike best of three with random selected opponents, on random selected machines. using brackelope software. $1 entry fee, plus coin-drop. practice/ registration 530-6. start at 610pm.
DE Star Wars, Taxi, High Speed, Funhouse, Alien Poker, Meteor, AFM, Jungle Lord, Sorcerer, Eight Ball, Stern Kiss, Medieval Madness, Black. Pyramid, Ghostbusters.
Winners– Roy Barham, 2nd- Eugene Marsh, 3rd John Dozier, 4th Dayvv brooks
Big 80’s Pinball League, Winter 2018.
Pinball league at 1984 Arcade ( 400 S. Jefferson St. Springfield, Missouri ) Each Wednesday from (January 10th – March 7th, 2018 ) using 16 different machines. fspa rule set, bubble ladder/ point system. You play in groups of 3/4 players on 5 machines for points. 4-2-1 or 4-3-2-1 and depending on your play, most points, move up a group, least points move down a group. At the end, either the top 12 participants w Most points (A division, depending on regular players) move to papa type Playoffs/ Finals bracket. The rest of the participants (B division) play a two- strike, best- of- three match up. any questions call/ text myself, Eugene at 714-349-6228. on the last night of league, we have a pizza party and $5 dollars donation are accepted for pizza and league fees. Thank you !
Big 80’s Mini- Monthly December 2017
Big 80′s Mini- Monthly Pinball Tournament (Christmas Party Edition) on Thursday, December 21st, 2017 at 1984 Arcade. 400 S. Jefferson St., Springfield, Missouri. using brackelope software. this will be a four strike, single- game, match- up with random selected opponents, on random selected pinball machines. no entry fee. yes, coin drop. 530- start by 6-610 pm. Any questions call/ text me, Eugene at 714-349-6228
JokerZ !, Taxi, High Speed, Funhouse, Alien Poker, Whirlwind, Attack From Mars, Medieval Madness, Black Pyramid, Blackout, Stern Kiss, Red & Ted’s RoadShow, Sorcerer, 8-Ball, Ghostbuster LE.
Big 80’s Annual Pinball Tournament 2017
— Main Event — Saturday, September 23rd, 2017 doors at 10am, start 11AM.
Big 80’s Annual Pinball Tournament at 1984 Arcade
400 S. Jefferson St., in Springfield, Missouri
1984 is not normally open Sundays, just for pinball tournament participants.
Also, due to insurance purposes, there is no alcohol there, and please, no brown bagging it. $10 entry fee, cash payout. Trophy awarded by me for winner.
Format:– Group Elimination Bracket
– 4 player groups
– 3 games per round
– 2 players exit per group, per round
– Random initial seeding
– Balanced arena draws
This is a IFPA sanctioned event with WPPRS awarded to all participants
Funhouse, Alien Poker, Whirlwind, Meteor, Attack from Mars, Medieval Madness, Black Pyramid, Stern Kiss, Red & Ted’s Roadshow, Sorcerer, Eight Ball, Ghostbusters LE, Taxi, JokerZ !
Winner – Josh Noble, Columbia MO, Second – Roy Barham, Springfield MO, Third – Steve Rolsing St. Louis MO, Fourth Will Hoffmann Columbia MO
Big 80’s Pinball League 9th Edition
Pinball league at 1984 Arcade ( 400 S. Jefferson St. Springfield, MO ) this is a 12-week (Tuesdays, August 1th – October 17th. W Playoffs/ Finals Oct 17 ) using 16 different machines. depending where you finished last league is where you’re placed in the first week. average point group system using pinportal software, you play in groups of 3/4 players on 5 random selected machines each week for points. 4-2-1 or 4-3-2-1, no bonus points . any questions call/ text myself, Eugene at 714-349-6228.
Eugene’s Pinball Extravaganza 2
Eugene’s Pinball Extravaganza 2. Special Saturday afternoon pinball party July, 15th 2017. Noon. There will be a Pinball machine tournament during the party. Pinbowling format. Depending on total participants, players play nine or ten games in the qualifying group with a score range of 0-10 qualifying points on each machine. after playing all machines in qualifying, (Again, depending on total participants), The top six or eight qualifiers will advance to the finals. First round of finals will be two groups of 3 or 4 on three machines with a 4-2-1-0 scoring format. first-4 points, second-2 points, third-1 point and fourth is zero points. Top two from each group advance to finals. This event will start at noon. No coin drop. Trophy for winner. there will be food. Thank You. contact me, Eugene, at ( ) for more info.
Meteor, FishTales, NBA Fastbreak, Xenon, Maverick, Jurassic Park II: The Lost World, Mousin’ Around, Popeye Saves The Earth, Mustang, The Machine: Bride Of Pinbot 2.0. Alien Poker
Eugene’s Pinball Extravagana
Eugene’s Pinball Extravaganza. Special Saturday afternoon event April, 8th 2017. This main event will be Pinbowling. There will be nine games in the qualifying group with a score range of 0-10 qualifying points on each machine. The top eight qualifiers will advance to the finals. First round of finals will be foursomes on three machines with (4-2-1-0) scoring format. Top two from each group advance to finals. I’ll open at 11/ noon, start the gig around 1pm. No coin drop. Trophy for winner. this is a private event, 18 maximum participants. there will be food. Thank You.
1st – Dayvv Brooks
2nd – Brandon Pennington
3rd – John T.